Make a household plan with your whānau to get through. Think about the things you need every day and work out what you would do if you didn't have them.

Make a household plan 

Make a household plan with your whānau to get through. Think about the things you need every day and work out what you would do if you didn't have them. 

Make sure your home emergency plan also lines up with emergency plans for your work, school, and other places where you spend a lot of time. 

Fill in the form then print it out, stick it on the fridge and make sure everyone knows the plan. Or save it as a PDF and email it to your whānau

Before you start

Make sure you have considered all the needs of your household including:

Download a PDF template

Do you prefer to hand write your emergency plan? Download and print the PDF paper version of the Make a Plan template in English or Te Reo Māori.

Hands marking off a checklist

Download this PDF template to make an emergency plan with your whānau.

Hands marking off a checklist

Download this PDF template in Te Reo Māori to make an emergency plan with your whānau.

Get your household ready

It’s up to you to make sure your whānau know what to do and that you all have what you need to get through.