ResourcesNgā rauemi

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94 results

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
New Zealand Police logo

Find information on criminal acts and terrorism on the New Zealand Police website.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Civil Defence logo

Find your local Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Civil Defence logo

Find out more about the National Emergency Management Agency.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
WorkSafe New Zealand logo

Find information on working safely on roofs on the WorkSafe website.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
A volcano erupting

Find information on how ash can be cleaned up on the GNS Science website.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Ministry for Primary Industries logo

Find out more about how to keep your food safe on the Ministry for Primary Industries website.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Volunteering New Zealand logo

Volunteer in your community. Volunteering New Zealand is an association of volunteer centres and national organisations with a commitment to volunteering.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
MetService logo

Keep up to date with MetService weather forecasts.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
MetService logo

View current weather warnings on the MetService website.

Fakatino fakataata
Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold

Me tikiake ka tā i ēnei pānui i roto i te reo Māori ka whakairi ki tō kāinga, kura, wāhi mahi rānei. Kia maumahara, Pāheke, Hīpoki, Pupuri ina pā mai he rū.

Download and print these posters in te reo Māori on what to do in an earthquake. Put them up in your home, school, work or community space. Remember to Drop, Cover and Hold in an earthquake. 
Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Waka Kotahi logo

Plan your route with live traffic and travel information on the Waka Kotahi website.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand logo

Deaf Aotearoa have services available for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

Ko e Tau Talahauaga
Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold

Download and share this factsheet on what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Ko e Tau Talahauaga
Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold

Tīkina ake, tiria hoki tēnei pukameka mō ngā mahi me whakamahi ā mua, ā roto, ā muri hoki i tētahi rū whenua.

Download and share this factsheet on what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Fakatino fakataata
A family and a person on a bike evacuating up a hill from a tsunami

Download and print this poster in English. Put it up in your home, school, work or community space. Remember if an earthquake is LONG or STRONG, GET GONE.

Fakatino fakataata
A family and a person on a bike evacuating up a hill from a tsunami

Tīkina ake me te tā i tēnei pānui whakaahua. Whakairia ki tō kāinga, ki tō kura, ki tō mahi, ki tō wāhi hapori rānei. Kia maumahara, mehemea ko tētahi rū whenua He Roa, He Kaha rānei, Me Wehe Tonu.

Download and print this poster in Te Reo Māori. Put it up in your home, school, work or community space. Remember if an earthquake is LONG or STRONG, GET GONE.

Ko e Tau Talahauaga
A family and a person on a bike evacuating up a hill from a tsunami

Download and share this factsheet in English about what to do before, during and after a tsunami.

Ko e Tau Talahauaga
A family and a person on a bike evacuating up a hill from a tsunami

Tīkina ake, tiria hoki tēnei pukameka mō ngā mahi me whakamahi ā mua, ā roto, ā muri hoki i tētahi ngaru taitoko.

Download and share this factsheet in Te Reo Māori about what to do before, during and after a tsunami.


See the survey results for the 2018 and 2019 nationwide tests of Emergency Mobile Alert.

Ko e Tau Talahauaga
Emergency Mobile Alert logo

Download this factsheet in English explaining the Emergency Mobile Alert system.

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